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 Equipment >> 2006 >> Atomic >> Snowboard >> Discharger
Atomic  Maker:  Atomic
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Discharger
 Year:  2006

3 Stars Based based on
12 votes and 1 reviews
Triadic Prog Sidecut
Stone ground Extruded 2000 diecut base
Truth 1 Full Length Wood Core
4x2 Insert Pattern, Centered
2.5 Degree Park Bevel
Atomic Discharger, 2006
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A super stealth freestyle board for new riders that want to work their way into the parks and pipes ASAP, but still need a board that can ride the entire mountain. Similar to the Vantage, but with a centered stance and 2.5 degree Park bevel on the edge. This board has what it takes to approach that jump or rail for the first time and conquer it with confidence.
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