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Hammer  Maker:  Hammer
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Microboard
 Year:  2007

3.5 Stars on 2010-07-30 15:32:17
Based on the Twentyone series, this board showcases a sandwich construction, slant sidewalls, a 25cm waist width and only 121cm of total length for an overall weight of barely more than 2kg.
Sizes: 121, 131
Hammer Microboard, 2007
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Did you ever get bored riding in a resort with poor relief and miss snowparks? Your buddies don’t compare to you and you can’t ride full power all day? You would like to freestyle but the fear of hurting yourself prevents you from throwing tricks that can only be done over more than 10 meters? You are into skateboarding and itching to jib but the idea of approaching a rail with a 1.50m+ board freezes your bones? If you answered "yes" to any of those questions then you will love the new Microboard. Easy to ride, very accessible and super light, this Microboard will make you discover new feelings. Much more fun than all other products, it’s the perfect complement of your main board. Finally, this is a board with which you can ride any kind of hit as long as there is a bit of snow around it. The all new 131 allows now the heavier builds or big feet riders to have fun as well!
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Microboard 2006
Hammer - Microboard
Shorter for more pleasure. Did you ever get bored riding in a resort with poor relief and miss snowparks? Your buddies don’t compare to you and you can’t ride full power all day? You would like to freestyle but the fear of hurting yourself prvents you from throwing tricks that can only be done over more than 10 meters? You are into skatebo... More»

by Anonymous on 03.29.2008
Strengths: It`s heaven! It will let you do anything u imagine and even more! It`s awesome.
Weaknesses: You`ll need to get the hang of it.