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 Equipment >> 2007 >> GNU >> Snowboard >> Billygoat
GNU  Maker:  GNU
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Billygoat
 Year:  2007

4 Stars Based based on
2 votes on 2018-09-24 16:36:01
Size: 159, 162, 166
3DS Sidewall
Isotropic FiberGlass
Twin Directional
Sintered 9900 Base
Meavin-BA Core/Aspen Sizes: 159, 162, 166
GNU Billygoat, 2007
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Designed by Temple Cummins, the Billy Goat Series is built to win the Banked Slalom, ride some big mountains with Tom from Tahoe, wiggle through roots and drop into chutes with anyone foolish enough to follow. This board is set up to avoid crowds and crowded parks. If you do come across an empty park, it will hit a nice method transfer smoothly through all the kickers. This is a solid, stable, torsionally firm crud buster, chop blaster brewed up in the Northwest by one of the world’s best riders. Your Billy Goat is nice to hug when you realize you are perched all alone, and the only way out is to hike back out the way you came in.
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 Related Reviews:
Billygoat 2008
GNU - Billygoat
This is the freeride snowboard designed by Temple Cummins, one of the world’s best freeriders. He rides Mt. Baker all season blasting through the crud, chop, pow, hardpack, open fields, chutes, cliffs, stumps, trees, rocks, pillows, steeps, moguls, groomers, flats and maybe even the park on every run. He designed this board to be solid, stable... More»

by EdS on 11.02.2010
Strengths: I have this in a 164 and its an awesome freeride board for the cascade crud I ride. Really carves well and is very smooth at speed, whether powder, hardpack or whatever. An awesome board and my go-to board for most conditions. Well made and cool graphics to
Weaknesses: a little bit heavy