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 Equipment >> 2007 >> GNU >> Snowboard >> Kyles Flying Contraption
GNU  Maker:  GNU
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Kyles Flying Contraption
 Year:  2007

4 Stars Based based on
3 votes and 1 reviews
Size: 153.75, 158.75
"Chip" technology to give snappy flex
Extended sidecut pattern
GNU Kyles Flying Contraption, 2007
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When you’re not smashing a fax machine with a baseball bat or having a shouting match over the telephone with a computer, use “Kyle’s Flying Contraption” to keep your head above water in this “technological” soup that has become our lives. The K.F.C. is equipped with its own patented “Chip” technology to give it a snappy flex, a must when making split second turns around abandoned superconductors left on the slopes. For those times you need to make a speedy getaway from a rampaging copy machine, the K.F.C. also has a new “Extended Sidecut Pattern,” ESP. It’s like getting the stability of a larger board while keeping down spin weight and over-all length. We here at Gnu are confident you won’t be safe “out there” without the K.F.C. at your side, especially when a pack of wild iPods attacks.
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by Anonymous on 01.12.2008
Strengths: great carving and riding very comfortable easy to ride awesome for everyday riding awesome board
Weaknesses: i guess that the lack of snap and bend aren`t what i`m used to. gnu rider to death