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Atomic  Maker:  Atomic
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Axum
 Year:  2007

3.5 Stars on 2010-07-30 15:32:17
151, 153, 156, 159
True Twin Shape & Flex
Twin Prog Sidecut
Stone ground Sintered 7200 diecut base
Truth 3 CNC Milled Wood Core
D4 Atomic Fiberglass
2.5 Degree Park Bevel
4x2 Insert Pattern, Centered
Inter-Carbon Stripes
Rail Slide Reinforcement (RSR)
Ceramic P-Tex diecut around 2nd edge
Atomic Axum, 2007
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Rossignol-Cobra V1
Cobra V1
Last season the Axum burst onto the scene as the Hatchet’s tougher brother and what a year it’s been! The RSR annihilates any rail in its path and comes away unscathed, while the explosive Inter-Carbon and S-Poontech let you lay the beat down on any terrain in your path.
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Axum 2008
Atomic - Axum
Come on sevens.
The Axum burst onto the scene three season’s ago as a serious, let’s get r done, no excuses freestyle machine, be it rails, park, backcountry, wherever your imagination takes you. Like a dark comedy, we stepped things up by combining our new RSR+ with the crowd pleasing twin shape.

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by cainecole on 11.30.2013
Strengths: everything
Weaknesses: powder

Axum 2010
Atomic - Axum
All the fun of riding a reverse camber board but with all the pop of a cambered board, thanks to the new POP Rocker FS. The lightweight core and the tough as nails RSR + make this the board of choice for any type of freestyle terrain. More»

by IknowSNOW on 01.14.2010
Strengths: Park, rails, boxes, butters, and kickers. This board shreds the freestyle terrain. The reverse camber gives the extra pop, and the double edge system gives you more stick on rails.
Weaknesses: Not really a powder board, although the reverse camber does help. Definitely a fun board all around the mountain, but finds its home in the park