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 Equipment >> 2008 >> Rossignol >> Binding >> Amber
Rossignol  Maker:  Rossignol
 Category:  Binding
 Model:  Amber
 Year:  2008

3.5 Stars on 2011-02-25 10:11:10
Highback: B-Back Light
Rossignol Basepaltes
Rossignol Buckles
Rossignol FootBeds
Baseplates: HC-C Carbon
BasePlates: HC-S
Footbed: Puffy Pads
Rossignol Straps
Rossignol Amber, 2008
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Haze Black

Unmatched women’s performance Pro riders push their equipment beyond any conceivable limit. Building a binding that can endure the demands of the pro rider requires lightweight, response, support, durability and comfort. The Amber is a women’s specific binding that is fully pro-rider-proof.
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 Related Reviews:
Amber 2005
Rossignol - Amber
High end freestyle board, the feminine way. Or the feminist way, even, since the Amber really aims at miltant hardcore girls. Black and pink? Easier for "bad girls" to get their way through the snowparks' jungle. A series that is sure punk yet remains fine, with its 4x2 inserts for precise adjustment. More»

by Anonymous on 08.18.2005
Strengths: most excellent performance and design
Weaknesses: expensive.. but you can't put a price on a quality board