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Never Summer  Maker:  Never Summer
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Evo-R
 Year:  2009

3.5 Stars on 2011-03-07 10:15:21
STS Pretensioned Fiberglass
BI-LITE Fiberglass
Carbon VXR Laminate Technology
EDS Damping System
Press Flex Core
Sintered P-tex Sidewall
Durasurf Sintered 4501 base
P-tex Tip and Tail Protection
Full Wrap Metal Edge
Size: 142, 148, 151, 153, 155, 158, 161
Never Summer Evo-R, 2009
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Now featuring our Rocker & Camber (R.C. Technology) and Vario Power Grip sidecut, the Evo-R is more insanely fun to ride than ever before! Designed for advanced freestyle riders, the twin tip Evo-R is the perfect board for shredders who spend most of their time in the pipe and park. Extremely light and powerful, the Evo-R provides high speed stability and durability not usually associated with freestyle snowboards.
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 Related Reviews:
Evo-R 2010
Never Summer - Evo-R
Designed for advanced freestyle riders, the twin tip Evo is the perfect board for shredders who spend most of their time in the pipe and park. Extremely light and easy to butter, the Evo provides high speed stability and durability not usually associated with freestyle snowboards. More»

by Anonymous on 10.10.2010
Strengths: From Olympian pipe riding, to rails, presses and jibs, this board really pushes your freestyle riding. Suprisingly it is also very stable at high speed and will even carve on icy pistes. Because of the Rocker and Camber tech is supplies much more flotation then camber boards of the same dimension. For freestyle oriented riders who want (to do it) all. Indoor riders will appreciate the fast base.
Weaknesses: Haven`t found one yet.