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 Equipment >> 2010 >> Salomon >> Snowboard >> Sick Stick
 Maker:  Salomon
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Sick Stick
 Year:  2010

3.5 Stars on 2010-07-30 15:32:17
Shape : Tapered Twin
Sidecut : Quadratic
Construction : Popster Core Profile, ABC Wrapper
Base Material : Sintered 4000 EG
Factory Finish : Natural hot wax, Full Edge Bevel, Fine Stone Finish
Suspension : Rubber Rails
Core Type : Aspen Strong
Flex : 4
Sizes : 153, 156, 160, 163
Sizes Women : 153, 156
Salomon Sick Stick, 2010
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The Sick Stick continues to gain a cult following throughout the globe, after a season of headlines and word-of-mouth hype. Its unique shape and RLNK help you float effortlessly in pow and land switch like it’s no problem. ABC Wrapper gives your ride unbelievable pop and the lightweight snap of bamboo. We use less to be less harsh on the earth. For us, that huge grin after fresh tracks is reason enough.
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Salomon - Sick Stick
The Sick Stick floated above traditional powder boards from day one and invented the All-Mountain eco-board segment. First with bamboo-based ABC Wrapper construction. First with Pow-Rocker and Popster for pow-ollie power. We are claiming it right here; the Sick Stick is the best powboard in the world! More»

by Anonymous on 01.13.2014
Strengths: Effortless to ride. Floats like a dream in powder with reverse camber. Epic turn transition. Poppy: awesome for hitting lips, cliffs and trees. Stable, secure and enjoyable on the Piste.
Weaknesses: None yet.