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 Equipment >> 2010 >> Elan >> Snowboard >> Universe
Elan  Maker:  Elan
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Universe
 Year:  2010

3.5 Stars on 2011-09-16 13:06:28
4x2 Insert Pattern
Synflex Core
G50 Fiberglass
Mach Speed 4
Lengths: 105 115 125 135 95
Shape: Directional
Elan Universe, 2010
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The Universe is our junior board for young riders of all ability levels. Our Synflex core provides a perfect flex-to-weight ratio making the Universe an easy and fun riding board. So whether they are first time riders, or they can carve, the Universe makes snowboarding fun for kids everywhere.
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Kids can only maximize their rippers’ potential if they are riding boards specifically designed for their needs. With the Universe, this potential is in safe hands. Its Synflex core promotes optimal flex for lightweight riders. Evolution starts here. More»

by Anonymous on 02.05.2007
Strengths: Good price for a non-junk, Austrian-made kids board. OK construction for a beginner board, and since it`s made by Elan, you know it won`t delaminate and shred itself after a couple of seasons like the Chinese-made "house-brands". My 7 year old likes the graphics too...
Weaknesses: Insert pattern does not have enough adjustment, forcing you to compromise on stance and setback. Not a big deal for a kids board, but another 4 inserts would make a big difference. Cap construction is collecting some chips from board knocks.