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Forum  Maker:  Forum
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Contract
 Year:  2011
 Price:  $320 (MSRP)

4.5 Stars Based based on
3 votes and 2 reviews
Pop Camber
Twin Shape
Bad Ass Core
Bad Ass Glass
0-60 Base
Beveled Edges
Bad Ass Materials
3 Flex
Available Sizes: 146, 148, 150, 152
Forum Contract, 2011
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Nitro-Team Gullwing
Team Gullwing

We the people… We invite you to apply for our street team and join us on the best urban board made. Durable, fast on the drop in, maneuverable, and poppy—every feature is tuned to the team’s needs. Pop Camber not only gives you superior ollie power but it also lets you lock in presses with control like never before. The 0-to-60 base proves that drop-ins don’t need to be long, and the Bad Ass materials package stands up to metal, stairs, and cement. Sign up if you’re ready for a life on the streets.
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by Anonymous on 01.02.2011
Strengths: AMAZING. That`s all I can say about it. If you want to ride even a little bit of urban but are crazy about rails, this board is a perfect match for you. I got the 150 and i love it. The 0-60 base is perfect for dialing in your speed before anyone else does. I have had it for over 4 months now and I have yet to find a urban board. Even if you still want to bring it to the park its fantastic. I wouldn`t be trying any 900`s off a 50 footer but that`s what the Destroyer is for. Anywho if you love rails and still want to hit up the jump line, get this. And don`t be afraid of the camber, just because it`s not a wet noodle, with 20mm of rocker doesn`t mean it won`t press. If it wont press right off the bat then you probably haven`t worked your legs hard enough through the season and you just need to get used to it. Hell i can press my destroyer like a B!TCH and it`s a 5 on the flex scale. Also keep in mind that generally speaking, my friends and I tend to find forums to be a bit softer flex then other boards with the same rating. P.S. The YoBeat review is bull so don`t listen to it, on the top of their page it says "Making fun of snowboarding since..." and Diamond Donny is just one of their ways to make "fun" of snowboarding. P.P.S As soon as i got this board and did one frontboard on it my nightmares of hangups on the double kink by my house was done!!!! In fact i did the double kink the very next day after i got it!!
by Anonymous on 10.21.2010
Strengths: 0-60 base is beastly, my friends were still getting their speed right when they hit the jump, i had mine 5 feet before it. That may not seem like alot, but when you have that 5 feet to prepare yourself compared to a 1-3 foot take off its a ton. This board makes me want to ride a quad kink with a 270 on and a back 180 out its just that amazing. If you plan to ride anything other then park or freestyle....get this board.
Weaknesses: a little short but, im getting the limited 154 edition