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 Equipment >> 2010 >> Artec >> Snowboard >> Cipher
 Maker:  Artec
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Cipher
 Year:  2010

3.5 Stars on 2010-09-14 14:30:21
Di Tec Sidewalls
Compositec Beam
Supro Tec Wood Core
Nor Tec Fiberglass
4x2 Inserts
Gamma Tec Base
Stone Grinding
Size: 147.5, 151.5, 154.5, 156.5, 158.5
SizeWide: 154.5W, 156.5W, 158.5W
Artec Cipher, 2010
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A lighting bolt once hit a tree it burned and cracked for one man to see the sight struck a chord he carved the tree to a board and it road to an unholy degree.The Cipher…you wont find a board as magical. Gus-man guarantee! Peace love and happiness. -Gus Engle
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*FEATURING JIB ROCKER TECHNOLOGY A lighting bolt once hit a tree it burned and cracked for one man to see the sight struck a chord he carved the tree to a board and it road to an unholy degree.The Cipher…you wont find a board as magical. Gus-man guarantee! Peace love and happiness. -Gus Engle More»

by DrockTahoe on 04.21.2011
Strengths: Wide Stance Pattern. FUN to ride. Durable: 50+ days on it this season and the base hardly shows it. Floats in the powder. Butters have never been so easy. Cheap to buy. FUN to ride. Worth every penny and more that I paid for it. Did I mention it`s a really fun board to ride? Taps, Bonks, Butters, Presses, Spins, Switch.. All made easier on the this Board. (Reviewed in Whistler, Squaw Valley, Northstar, Alpine Meadows, and the Tahoe Backcountry)
Weaknesses: Not much pop. If you`re used to Cambered boards it takes some getting used to. In firm conditions High speed = Less Control