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 Equipment >> 2012 >> Burton >> Snowboard >> Mini Shred Chopper
Burton  Maker:  Burton
 Category:  Snowboard
 Model:  Mini Shred Chopper
 Year:  2012
 Price:  $170 (MSRP)

3.5 Stars on 2011-09-08 14:28:44
Easy Rider
Twin Flex
Double Chair Package
Fly Core
Twin Shape
Biax Fiberglass
Extruded Base
Unreal! Core
Available Sizes: 80, 90, 100, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130
Burton Mini Shred Chopper , 2012
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Back in the day, we had to learn by riding uphill both ways. Kids these days just have it too easy. With the softest flex possible and edges lifted up all the way around, the Burton Chopper® makes it fun for even the lightest weight riders to master balance and board control. On the three smallest sizes, grippy foot pads and the Riglet accessory let you tow him around until he’s ready to rock bindings. Be on the look out for the limited edition Star Wars™ graphic, available in select shops.
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Mini Shred Chopper 2011
Burton - Mini Shred Chopper
Easy Rider™ on the Chopper® lifts the edges off the snow to get kids on the right track from day one. The super soft flex makes it easy for even the lightest weight shredders to gain balance and control. For the three smallest sizes, we developed grippy foot pads and a Riglet accessory that lets you tow junior around until he’s ready to rock ... More»

by toomanyboards on 04.08.2011
Strengths: This is THE board for young riders. First timers have a blast on this board; it is virtually catch-free. My 6 year old was riding boxes with this board (the 110cm version) after just 3 days on the mountain.
Weaknesses: This board can develop bad habits; kids will have a harder time adjusting to a more typical base profile.